San Valentino sponsorizza la lezione online di "OffiCine- Fare Cinema" dedicata agli innamorati
OffiCine-fare cinema is a project of Higher Education in Cinema born ten years ago from the meeting between the European Institute of Design (IED) and Anteo Palazzo del Cinema. Thanks to the support of companies OffiCine Carries on with special projects and laboratories with young talents who, under the guidance of a Scientific Committee - Piera Detassis, Pierfrancesco Favino, Valeria Golino, Paolo Mereghetti, Silvio Soldini, Paolo Sorrentino - and of "special teachers "- Toni Servillo, Luca Bigazzi, Giorgio Rights, Cristiana Capotondi, Alba Rohrwacher, Ambra Angiolini, Andrea Segre, Marina Massironi, Giuseppe Battiston ... - make documentaries, short films, fashion films, web series and also Cinema courses and special transversal lessons , or concerning the Cinema linked to other themes.
In this case, we are happy to collaborate for the creation of a Special OffiCine Lesson (online) dedicated to Love .... and beyond. RELAZIONI PERICOLOSE - L'amore che vedi al cinema (forse) non esiste!
To partecipate to the online lesson, write to by Saturday 13 February indicating your name, surname and email address.